This page is part of the ARCHIVE COPY of John Bailey's original throwing knife shop. Details and copyright

"Lash & Steel" can be contacted by e-mail ( contact @ John Bailey)  or call (407) 123-4567, or see

John Bailey    as    Lash & Steel        

  240 E. Bahama Road, Winter Springs, FL 32708

(407) 123-4567   

                                Web page:


Primary:                                    Knife Thrower & Bullwhip Specialist


Performance data:              50 knives and 12 Tomahawks, thrown around an assistant from a variety of distances

                                               12  Items cut from the assistants’ hands in Bullwhip routines. (Shows 10- 30 minutes) 


Stage Performances            Astoria Palace, Estonia (Europe)

                                                Decota Night Club, Estonia (Europe)

                                                Convention Show, The Exchange Co. Fl. International Corporate Convention Show, Solingen Germany

                                                Host of the annual,  Blade Show, Knife Throws Champion Championship

                                                Variety of Churches, Sportsman Dinners, Store openings, etc.


TV Appearances:                  CBS Channel TV 6 – Dec. 2002

                                                Fox Channel TV 35-2001

                                                Estonia's top rated late night talk show-2001

                                                Mortal Kombat Krusaders (This was a TV Series), played a role

                                                as an unsavory knife throwing merchant.


Print Media                            Orlando Sentinel (Exposé)

                                                SL-Ohtuleht News (Performing at the Astoria Palace)

                                                Business Journal (Entrepreneur Success)

                                                Blade Magazine feature 4 page, (Throwing Knife Targets Construction).

                                                American Survival Guide feature 3 page (Combat knife Throwing)

                                                Boker Catalog (Featured designer)

                                                Western Stage Prop Catalog (Video production)

                                                WWAC Rope-Line Publication, (article on performance in Estonia)


Video, Book                           Produced and Directed "Recreational Knife Throwing Video I " and

                                                "Advanced Knife Throwing Video II"

                                                Video III in progress

                                                Book, "Throw and Stick Any Knife", due the end of 2003


Credentials                            International Knife Throwers Hall of Fame (Instructor of the Year 2003)

1st Place Champion, Speed & Accuracy Whip Cutting 2003,

1st Place Champion IKTA Long Distance record 2000

2003 Speed Throwing record. 17 knives in 20 seconds

2nd PKT Long Distance Conventional Thrower 2002

                                                2nd Place PKT Tomahawk Throwing event-2001 & 2002


Designer:                                Primary Throwing knife designer for Boker, Germany

                                     Name of Knives:  TanKri, Starlight, Mini BoKri and Beil-AX


President and founder:        World Knife Throwers Guild, Inc. (W.K.T.G.)

Charter, board member:      International Knife Throwers Hall of Fame

Charter Member:                   American Knife Throwers Association (A.K.T.A. (Old Guard))           

Member:                                  International Knife Thrower Alliance (I.K.T.A.)

Member:                                  Pacific Knife Throwers (P.K.T.)          

Member:                                  Wild West Arts Club (W.W.A.C.)


Insurance:                               Old West Living History Foundation (OWLF) Entertainment Liability Insurance

This page is part of the ARCHIVE COPY of John Bailey's original throwing knife shop. Details and copyright